Wednesday, January 4, 2012


I found a new freedom today. I haven't had my hair cut since September. I've been consumed with school and the daily duties of my regular home life and just haven't taken the time to go by and get it done. Needless to say, my hair has taken on some kind of Beatles shag look.
So, I decided that I would handle this myself and save $20 every couple of weeks! 
D.I.Y. Hair. 
I bought the proper tools;
The Mighty Chrome Wahl clippers. 

I fired this puppy up and it hummed like a well oiled machine...a sound that some of you may be familiar with; a low gentle buzzzzz and somewhat of a pleasing feel. 
I attached the first guard and started the cut. A clump of hair fell to the floor. There was no turning back! 
 Wagner's Ride of the Valkyries played as I coiffured my shaggy quaff.
I buzzed again and more hair flew. Up one side of my skull and down the other. The more I cut, the faster I went. Zoom, buzzz, clip, snip, ZING!
As the final strands of hair fell to the floor like the leaves of fall, I inspected my new self done do. 
Not too bad for my first time! Short and easy to take care of.
Now, I didn't win any awards nor was I asked to join some famous hair design team. However, I did save some money and freed myself from the 
Super Duper Sports Buzz Clip and Cut Shoppe.
As I gently placed my Mighty Chrome Wahl clippers in their case, I could have sworn I heard Mel Gibson shouting in the background:

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